Tuesday, May 10, 2011

That Scent on the Wind

Stepping out for a walk just now you'll probably notice an incredible vanilla spice scent wafting through the whole neighborhood. Hmmmm...you might wonder: What is that? I should qualify the following by saying again that I'm not an expert, and I could be wrong about which plants these are. But...

Viburnum Korean Spice?

...my aunt identified this shrub for me last week as Viburnum - Korean Spice. It's perhaps a little too full and round for a really small garden, which is why I don't have one. I need to go with vertical height in my space. But I'm glad others are growing it...

Close-up, Viburnum Korean Spice

...and I love to see its pink clusters of buds brighten into these white pom-pons. Once you know what they are, and once their scent overwhelms you, you begin to see them all around Hyde Park.

Mayday Tree?

I couldn't help but notice a second fragrance in the air tonight. These trees are sporting lilac-looking white plumes with a subtle, sweet scent. As far as I can tell, I think it's a Mayday Tree (Prunus padus commutata), which is related to the chokecherry.
Close-up, Mayday Tree

It really does look like a giant lilac tree, but I don't think it is. More information can be found at this Colorado State University site on the Mayday tree.

Either way, lilac time is not too far off!

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